Full Shavuot Schedule

Tuesday, 11 June
Light Candles at 8:59 pm

Wednesday 12 June

10:00 am Shacharit & Ten Commandments

11:00 am Kids Programme and 10 Commandments
Followed by light Kiddush

4:00 pm: Dairy Buffet & Ice Cream Party

Hear the ten Commandments and enjoy a dairy Buffet.
Separate programme for kids 


10:32 pm Candle Lighting (from an existing flame) 

Thursday 13 June

10:00 am: Shacharit & Yizkor

Followed by Light Kiddush
(Yizkor: Aprox 11:30)

10:33 pm Yom Tov Ends

Booking form for Dairy Buffet
